конспекти, презентації


Хід заняття

I. Початок заняття.

1. Організаційниймомент.

Teacher: Good morning students! Nice to see you!

Sit down, please! I hope everybody is OK today and everybody has had a good breakfast at home, because today we are going to speak about food.

Everybody knows that Ukrainian people are very hospitable and they are exellent cookers. They like to cook and to treat the guests. Ukraine enjoys a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favorite imported dishes.

Students imagine , you are in a magic garden. You can see many different kinds of food everywhere. Answer , please, what would you like to eat? What you like and what you dislike?

And now let`s devide these words into fruit, vegetables and food. Thanks, you are very nice students.

So, I'd like to ask you some more questions, if you don't mind?!

II. Warming-up(розминка,вправа "Мікрофон").

What did you eat in the morning?

Do you have your breakfast at home or at college?

Who usually makes breakfast in your family?

Where are you going to have dinner?

What is your favourite fruit?

What is your favourite vegetable?

What do you usually eat for dinner?

When do you usually have supper?

Who cooks in your family?

Do you like ice-cream?

Do you eat at our college canteen?

Well, thank you for your honesty darling.

II. Основна частина заняття

II. Перевірка раніше засвоєних знань:

1. Let's remember the previous material about meals in Great Britain. But first of all let's remember some words and word-combinations on this topic:

a) How do you translate into Ukrainian such expressions:

- British meals, cuisine, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, midday meal, good plain food, "high tea", porridge, cornflakes with milk and sugar;

b) How do you say in English:

- снідати, складатися із, тушкувати, варити, смажити, тушковані овочі, смажені яйця з беконом, смажена риба, м'ясна страва, чашка чаю, солодкий пудинг, індичка, гусь, хліб з маслом, тости з мармеладом.

2. Well, your homework was to read and translate the text "Traditional British Meals". And now we are checking your homework but in writing form. I want you to write a test about Traditional British Meals. The test consists of 12 points. You have to read and understand each point and choose the correct answer. Answering the test you have to write only one letter: a, b, c or d. Take the tests, please.

Now, change your sheets with your neighbours, check the tasks, count the correct answers and put the mark. You may consult with the key. Please, pass me your works.

Students let's have a rest. I think it`s time to have dinner. Let`s go to the café. But before we will remember Table Manners Rules:

1.You must sit up straight at the table.

2.You must eat with a knife and a folk.

3.You mustn`t eat with your fingers.

4.You mustn`t lick your fingers.

5.You mustn`t put your elbows on the table.

6.You mustn`t talk with your mouth full.

Now act the dialogues, please.

III. Повідомлення теми, мети, задач заняття:

Teacher: Well, our study today is devoted to the Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine.

Text "Ukrainian Dishes".

I want to say, that the national cuisine reflects the richness of traditions and folkways of Ukrainian people.

Ukrainian cuisine has been formed during many centuries. Among Slavic cuisines Ukrainian is considered the most diverse and the richest by right. It spread out over the borders of Ukraine a long time ago. The most typical feature of the Ukrainian National Cuisine is a combined heat treatment of the vegetables and meat in the oil or butter, so called "Ukrainian frying", and only after that, stewing, boiling or baking.

Some of our students will tell us about origin and historical development of the Ukrainian Cuisine.

Student 1: Ukrainian Cuisine is quite regional. That is why the same traditional

dish, for example Ukrainian Borshch, tastes differently and prepared differently in every region. For every national cuisine the place, where food is cooked, has the great influence. In Ukraine such a place was an oven, fire of a closed type. That is why Ukrainian Cuisine mainly uses the techniques of boiling, stewing and baking.

Even Cossacks, after shooting a game, were trying to make a bouillon out of it, but

not to fry it, which is more typical for Germans, for example.

Student 2: Ukrainian Cuisine borrowed some techniques from neighbors, for

example Russian, Polish, Tatar and Turkish Cuisines, partially modifying them.

For example, frying of products in the overheated oil or butter, which is peculiar

for the Turkish Cuisine, was regenerated into the "Ukrainian frying (so called

"paseruvannia") browning of vegetables which are used for borshch or second


Student 3: From Germans Ukrainians borrowed ground meat ("sichenyky") -

Cutlet type dishes out of ground meat, eggs, vegetables, mushrooms, and so on.

From Hungarians Ukrainians borrowed the usage of paprika.

Teacher: Ukrainians prefer to eat at home, leaving restaurants for special occasions and generally avoid exotic meats and spices. The traditional Ukrainian food includes pork, beef, chicken, fish and mushrooms. Ukrainians eat a lot of potatoes, grains, fresh and pickled vegetables. Popular ingredients in the cuisine of Ukraine are berries, fruits and herbs.

Student 4: If to talk about meat, pork is widely spread in Ukraine, comparing

with beef, which is more typical for Russian Cuisine or mutton for Tatar.

Oxen were more like the working animals in Ukraine, and their meat was not as

tasty and soft as the pig's meat. It has also been considered not as clean as pork.

Student 5: I want to say some words about potato. Potatoes became widely spread

in Ukraine in 18-th century. Even though it didn't become "second bread", like in

Belorussia, but became very popular and used in first, second courses and garnish

for fish and meat dishes.

Also, potatoes began to be used in getting starch, used for preparing different

types of sweet dishes, including "kissel" - a sweet drink, resembling thin jelly.

Student 6: In 18-th century sunflower and mustard appeared in Ukraine. This

played an important role in the development of the Ukrainian Cuisine. Sunflower

oil began to be widely used instead of the imported Greek olive oil. Mustard is

used for making oil and spices for meat and other dishes.

Nowadays sunflower oil supplanted nearly all other oils. There are two types

of sunflower oil widely used: hot extracted with a strong peculiar smell of fried

sunflower seeds ( it is favorite type among Ukrainians, used mainly in salads ), and cold extracted type, used for frying; it is better known and used abroad.

Teacher: Ukrainian food is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are well known far away from Ukraine. And the Ukrainian recipes of the foods are very popular nowadays. Ukrainian cuisine has dozens thousands of food recipes, which are characterized with plane food cooking and high taste qualities. The modern national culinary art preserved and enriched the old good traditions. Let's acquaint with some famous Ukrainian dishes:

Student 7: Is anyone, who doesn't know the Ukrainian Borshch?

The most popular and well-known Ukrainian dish is surely Borshch, an aromatic and appetizing cabbage-soup of some 20 (twenty) ingredients. It may be cooked with beef, chicken or pork, baked beets, beans and mushrooms. Borshch is served as the main course with sour cream and pampushki, soft rolls,soaked in garlic.

Student 8: I want to add some information about Ukrainian Borshch.

Borshch is certainly the national dish of Ukraine, even making its appearance

on the menus of Chinese and Italian restaurants in Kyiv. This uniquely Ukrainian

soup has been adopted by other countries in the region, but as recently as 45 years ago it could not even be found in restaurants in other Soviet Republics.

The many versions of borshch served throughout the country reflect the

individuality of Ukrainians as well as their ingenuity. The beet-based soup can

contain as many as 20(twenty) different ingredients, depending on the season,

region, and of course, personal preference of the cook.

Student 9 : In Ukrainian food borshch occupies the first place, but not the single

one. Traditional in the Ukrainian menu are Holubtsi.

Holubtsi are stuffed cabbage rolls, filled with rice, carrots and minced meat.

Cabbage leaves are steamed to make them soft and then the filling is added. The

holubtsi are placed in a large pot, covered with tomato soup or sauce, and baked.

The word "holub" in Ukrainian means "dove", and holubtsi are in the shape of a


Student 10: Traditional in the Ukrainian menu are varenyky, a type of boiled

dumplings with various fillings: potatoes, meat, mushrooms, chopped liver,

sauerkraut, curd, cherries and other berries.

Student 11: the most popular and favorite meat product in Ukraine is a pig's fat,

in Ukrainian - "Salo". Salo is used fresh, salted, smoked, fried, boiled, stewed and

is a fat-base of a lot of dishes. It is eated in thin slices on black bread with garlic

and salt.

By the way, do you know that it is impossible to oversalt salo. You could put

as much salt as you like on it for salting, but it will take as much salt as it needs,

not more and not less.

Student 12: A popular and well-known Ukrainian dish is "Kholodets'". It is a

brawn, made from boiling pigs' trotters. The meat is picked off the bone and the

gravy sets around it into a jelly as it cools. It is served with horseradish or mustard.

Student 13: I like "Deruny". They are pancakes, made from grated potato and

flour, and fried. Deruny are served with sour cream.

Student 14: I want to say about "Nalysnyky". Nalysnyky are pancakes, often

made with soured milk for a lighter batter. Thinner pancakes are called nalysnyky.

They are rolled and served with a stuffing, usually curd, or fruit, or jam.

Student 15: The proud of Ukrainian people is wheat bread, sweet-smelling and

light. Bread is of course the mainstay of the Ukrainian Cuisine. The country's

reputation as the "breadbasket of Europe" is well deserved. The French writer

Honore de Balzac, who lived in Ukraine for four years, counted 77 different ways

of preparing bread.

It is such a central part of the cuisine here, that there is a custom to give

honored guests and departing or arriving travelers the gift of a loaf of bread and

salt. This tradition is still used in welcoming ceremonies for dignitaries and other

important persons.

Student 16: I want to say that there are many kinds of drinks in Ukrainian menu

too. Main national Ukrainian drinks came out by the way of the natural

fermentation, for example honey, beer, kvass and grape wines. Horilka and

different liqueurs appeared in 14-th century. Other popular drinks in Ukraine are:

stewed fruit ("uzvar"), juices, milk, buttermilk, mineral water, tea and coffee.

Student 17: Ukrainian Cuisine has a variety of dairy meal as well as sweet pastry,

including doughnuts, cakes and other cookies. Among the traditional sweet foods

the most popular are "uzvar"(stewed fruits) and jellied fruits. To prepare sweet

dishes are used plums, apples, pears, apricots, cherries, black and red currants,

strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, honey and nuts. Ukrainian Cuisine

was always famous for the big number of foods with fruits and berries, raised on

the Ukrainian lands.

Teacher: I thank you very much, that you know and like our national cuisine. You have prepared and told us some interesting information about the most famous dishes in Ukraine.

And now let's remember the popular English and American proverbs and sayings about meal, food and customs of eating. Can you say anything?

1. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

(Краще яйце сьогодні, ніж курка завтра).

2. Better one small fish than an empty dish.

( Краще маленька рибка, ніж порожня тарілка).

3. Better some of the pudding than none of the pie.

( Краще трохи пудингу, ніж зовсім без пирога).

4. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

(Краще півбуханки, ніж узагалі без хліба).

5. Better have a mouse in the pot than no flash.

(Краще миша в горщику, ніж цілком без м'яса).

6. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.

(Продавши корову, не питимеш молока).

7. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

( Один пиріг двічі не їдять).

8. Even sugar itself may spoil a good dish.

( Усе любить міру).

9. Too much pudding will choke the dog.

( Від надто великого шматка пудингу і собака вдавиться).

10. All bread is not baked in one oven.

(Не весь хліб із однієї печі).

11. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

( Черствий хліб вдома кращий від смаженого м'яса на чужині).

12. Dry bread at home is better than the honey of others.

( Краще сухий хліб вдома, ніж мед на чужині).

13. Life is not all cakes and ale.

( Життя не лише пироги та пиво).

14. There is no crying over spilt milk.

( Не побивайся над молоком, яке пролилося).

15. One man's meat is another man's poison.

(Що одному чоловіку м'ясо, то іншому отрута).

The teacher: I may say that you know so many proverbs about food and meals. Thank you very much.

Speaking(Group work)

Вправа "Debates" (Дебати.Завдання для груп)

  • What is good about fast food?
  • What is bad about fast food?
  • What's good about home-made food?
  • What's bad about home-made food?

Group A "Fast food"

  • We think Fast food is very good because it is very cheap and tasty.
  • It can be eaten without forks and knives.
  • Fast food is always take away food and people can take it home.
  • Fruit and vegetables are very expensive.
  • You mustn't cook Fast food.

Group B "Healthy food"

  • Oh, no! In this food there are many fats and much sugar and low vitamins and minerals.
  • People eat fast food in a hurry which is bad for their health.
  • If you eat fast food, you'll have many medical problems: obesity, dental problems and heart-ache.
  • Fast food is very bad. People need minerals, proteins and vitamins.
  • They must eat healthy food. it has many vitamins, minimal of sugar, fats and salt.

6.Practical tasks. Writing

Task1.Connect nouns & adjectives:

Salty lemon

Spicy candy

Bitter fish

Sweet pizza

Sour coffee

Task2. Write the degrees of comparison of these adjectives:

Fattening, strong, delicious, nutricious, spicy,juicy,tasty,healthy, sweet,disgusting.

IV. Заключна частина заняття.

The teacher: At the end of our studies I want you to fill in a crossword puzzle. You must write the answers on this crossword in such a way, that we can read the word in the red line, which unites all these words and has a direct relation with the theme of our study.

Across: 1. If dinner in Great Britain is eaten in the evening, the midday meal

is called ..... (lunch).

2. A Christmas dinner in Great Britain would be strange indeed without a

traditional Christmas ..... (pudding).

3. It is a traditional course for breakfast in Great Britain (porridge).

4. Most Englishmen are not overfond of it, remarking that it leaves them without free place for the more important meat course (soup).

5. Who meets you in a restaurant, shows a vacant table and helps you to choose

something to eat and drink? (waiter).

6. What does the waiter bring you when you come into the restaurant? (menu).

7. What kind of drinks is traditional for Englishmen? (tea).

Down: 8. This word is present in the theme of our study. (cuisine).

For most people all over the world right food is the main part of their lifestyle. And that's why we say "you are what you eat". Do you want to be healthy? Then, eat the lunch box with healthy meal! Do you want to be unhealthy and weak? Don't? So, eat regularly, drink lots of water, have enough sleep, keep active, have a regular rest. This will keep you fit, healthy and slim.

  • Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Students, imagine that you are opening a new restaurant. Make your own menu consisting only of right and healthy foods. Write a composition on the theme: "My Favourite Dish of the Ukrainian Cuisine".

2. Оцінювання діяльності студентів:

T: At the end of our lesson I'd like to thank you for your activity and good answers. All groups have worked quite well. The most active students at our lesson today are.... Your marks are....

3. Підведення підсумків заняття

T: Students, did you like the lesson? What did/didn't you like most of all? Did you learn anything new?

Thanks a lot for your hospitality and good mood.

Test ________________________________________________________

( student's name and surname )

Choose the correct answer:

1. In the ....... an Englishman has his favourite breakfast.

a) morning; b) middle of the day;

c) afternoon; d) evening.

2. The main meal of the day in Great Britain is called ........

a) lunch; b) breakfast;

c) dinner; d) supper.

3. If dinner is eaten in the evening, the midday meal is called ........

a) snack; b) breakfast;

c) "high tea"; d) lunch.

4. If dinner is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called .......

a) breakfast; b) supper;

c) lunch; d) good plain food.

5. Most Englishmen are not over fond of ........

a) porridge; b) soup;

c) beer; d) bread.

6. What does "a good plain food" mean?

a) a cup of tea; b) vegetable soup;

c) sweet pudding; d) fried fish and chips.

7. What social occasion is connected with afternoon tea?

a) to watch TV programs; b) to listen to music;

c) to come in for a chat; d) to read newspapers.

8. Christmas dinner in Great Britain without a traditional Christmas ...... would be strange indeed!

a) pudding; b) goose;

c) turkey; d) high tea.

9. What is a direct descendant of the old time plum porridge?

a) beefsteak; b) pudding;

c) roast beef; d) fried fish.

10. What food was beloved by English people in the Middle Ages?

a) plum porridge; b) cornflakes with milk and sugar;

c) fried bacon and eggs; d) fried fish and chips.

11. What can we find in Christmas pudding?

a) cherries; b) apples;

c) cornflakes; d) treasures.

12. Those who find the treasure in Christmas pudding are supposed ........

a) to lay the table; b) to have money in the coming year;

c) to wash up: d) to have a new friend in the coming year.

The correct answers:

1. - 4. - 7. - 10. -

2. - 5. - 8. - 11. -

3. - 6.- 9. - 12. -

The amount of correct answers: ________ The mark: ________


The correct answers to the test:

1. - a; 4. - b; 7. - c; 10. - a;

2. - c; 5. - b; 8. - a; 11. - d;

3. - d; 6. - d; 9. - b; 12. - b.

The amount of correct answers: The mark:

12 → "12";

11 → "11";

10 → "10";

9 → " 9";

8 → "8";

7-6 → "7";

5 → "6';

4 → "5";

3 → "4";

2 → "3";

1 → "2".

Crossword puzzle


1. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

(Краще яйце сьогодні, ніж курка завтра).

2. Better one small fish than an empty dish.

( Краще маленька рибка, ніж порожня тарілка).

3. Better some of the pudding than none of the pie.

( Краще трохи пудингу, ніж зовсім без пирога).

4. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

(Краще півбуханки, ніж узагалі без хліба).

5. Better have a mouse in the pot than no flash.

(Краще миша в горщику, ніж цілком без м'яса).

6. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.

(Продавши корову, не питимеш молока).

7. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

( Один пиріг двічі не їдять).

8. Even sugar itself may spoil a good dish.

( Усе любить міру).

9. Too much pudding will choke the dog.

( Від надто великого шматка пудингу і собака вдавиться).

10. All bread is not baked in one oven.

(Не весь хліб із однієї печі).

11. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

( Черствий хліб вдома кращий від смаженого м'яса на чужині).

12. Dry bread at home is better than the honey of others.

( Краще сухий хліб вдома, ніж мед на чужині).

13. Life is not all cakes and ale.

( Життя не лише пироги та пиво).

14. There is no crying over spilt milk.

( Не побивайся над молоком, яке пролилося).

15. One man's meat is another man's poison.

(Що одному чоловіку м'ясо, то іншому отрута). 

My working day

Мета заняття:


  • тренувати студентів у засвоєнні тематичної лексики;
  • удосконалювати вміння висловлюватись за темою і використовувати вивчену лексику у різних мовленнєвих ситуаціях.


  • розвивати навички монологічного й діалогічного мовлення студентів та вміння логічно висловлювати думки.


  • прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення навчальної дисципліни.

Обладнання: роздаткові картки з ситуаціями для роботи в парах; тематична картина «The weather chart", фрагмент відеофільму "Working Day», лексичні та граматичні вправи, текст для читання, мультимедійний проектор, презентація "Working Day».



T: Good morning! It's so nice to see you again. (Привітання й бесіда про дату, дні тижня, погоду).

Who is on duty today?

What day of the week is it today?

What date is it today? What month is it now?

Who is absent today?

What is the weather like today?

Read and say. (The weather chart)

The weather Chart

Sunday Wednesday

Monday Thursday




  • What day is rainy?
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • What day is cloudy and sunny?
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • What two days are sunny?
  • Monday and Tuesday
  • Wednesday and Friday
  • Saturday and Sunday
  • Thursday and Friday
  • What day is cloudy?
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

T: We're going to continue speaking about working day.

  • THE MAIN PART (Основна частина)

· Мовленнєва зарядка

T: Our working day begins in the morning.

First of all we do our morning exercises.

What do we do after our morning exercises?

Бесіда викладача з групою про робочий день студентів.

T: When do you usually get up?

What do you do in the morning?

How many lessons a day do you have?

When does your first lesson begin?

(Students answer the questions)

T: But not everybody wants to go to college. Now we'll see a little scene. It's morning. Mother wakes her son.

Dialogue "Mother - Son"

M: Good morning, dear! It's seven o'clock. And you are in bed! Get up! Do your morning exercises and take a shower. It's time to have breakfast and go to college. Come on!

S: Oh, Mum, I can't go to college today.

M: Why?

S: I'm ill.

M: Are you?

S: Yes, I am. I would like to read now. Could you give me this book?

M: Here you are. And what do you want for breakfast? Do you want potatoes and sausage?

S: No, I don't.

M: Would you like to have a cup of milk?

S: No.

M; Have a cup of tea then.

S: I don't want potatoes! I don't want sausage! I don't want milk! I don't want tea!

M: What do you want then?

S: I want bananas, apples, three ice-creams, candies.

M: Oh, Son, now I see that you are not ill. You don't want to go to college! Take your bag and go to college!

2. Представлення нової граматичної структури. Introducing a new structure (2 min)

Structure - It's time to ...

Example: It's time to have breakfast.

It's time to go to the swimming pool. (Students repeat these examples after the teacher in chorus).

T: Translate from Ukrainian into English.

Вже час йти в коледж.

It's time to go to college.

Вже час йти на прогулянку.

It's time to go for a walk.

Вже час дивитися телевізор.

It's time to watch TV.

T: Make up sentences with the structure "It's time to..." (2 min).

It's time to:

  • play tennis; - leave the house; - do morning exercises;
  • read a book; - do homework; - have a rest;
  • run and jump; - have breakfast; - listen to the music;
  • go in for sports; - go to bed; - go shopping.

T: Students read the word-combinations and make up sentences with these word-combinations starting each sentence with It's time to...

get up, make the bed, take a shower, clean teeth, comb hair, put on clothes, eat breakfast.

3. Повідомлення "My friend's working day".

S1: I have a friend. His name is... He is fifteen. He goes to college. My friend is in the first course. His working day begins at half past seven....

4. Гра «Запам'ятай слова». Game "Memorizethewords"

На дошці 10-12 малюнків предметів, назви яких студенти знають. Роздивляються 30 секунд. Студенти згадують і записують в зошитах назви предметів, що були на дошці.

T: Imagine it's morning now. Show what you are doing now. (Present Continuous Tense).

Each student shows what she'he does in the morning. Other students guess and say what she'he is doing at the moment.

He's getting up now.

She's washing her hands now.

Mykola is cleaning his teeth now.

Liza is walking now.

5. You worked well and I think you are tired a little. I have some puzzles for you to solve.

This house on wheels

Is running a race,

Taking people from place

to place.

(a bus)

We are twins,

We walk together,

We never part,

We make a pair for ever

(boots or shoes)

Four legs,

but not a beast.

Full of feathers,

but not a bird.

(a bed)

Who am I that shines so bright
With my pretty silver light,
Putting through your windows gray?

Tell me, little boy, I pray

(the moon)

I know everything,
I teach everybody.
But to make friends with me
You must first learn.

(a book)

6. Повторення лексико-граматичного матеріалу. GrammarRevision.

(Написані речення з помилками. Студенти мають знайти помилки й виправити їх).

T: Students, look at the screen. There are some sentences on it. But each sentence has a mistake. You should find these mistakes.

  • My sister don't help her mother about the house.
  • I play in football after classes.
  • My parents comes back home at 6 o'clock p.m.
  • He have dinner at two o'clock.
  • His uncle drive a bus.
  • Does they know you?
  • My parents often plays computer games.
  • Rita not likes her new dress.
  • I not go to college on Sundays.

10)Rabbits eats grass.

Make up sentences using It's time to ...

It's 7 o'clock.

to get up.

It's half past seven.

to take a shower.

It's 8 o'clock.

to do exercises.

It's quarter past 8.

It's time

to wash my hands, face.

It's half past 8.

to make the bed.

It's quarter to 9.

to comb my hair and put on clothes.

7. Читання. Reading.

Topic "Working Day"

It is Wednesday. It is a very busy day. Victor gets up at seven o'clock. He quickly makes his bed, does morning exercises, washes, brushes his teeth and dresses. He has a light breakfast and goes to school. He has six lessons there.

On Wednesdays after school Victor goes to the sports club. The trainer teaches boys to play football well, to pass the ball. But the main thing is that sport makes them friendly.

After the club Victor goes to his grandmother. He usually helps her to bring water, to feed rabbits or goes shopping. Granny cooks a tasty dinner for her grandson. Victor likes her borsch and pies. Then he goes home.

Victor is tired, so he has a short rest playing computer games. After that he does his homework. It takes him two hours to do it. So he is free only at 8 o'clock in the evening. At this time there is an interesting film on TV. He watches it together with his family. Today he doesn't have much time to read a book. But before going to bed he reads two-three pages.

Victor brushes his teeth, takes a shower and goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

Post - reading task

T: Now let's see how you have understood the story. Please, write down whether the statements are true or false. If the sentence is right, put +. If the sentence is wrong, put -.

  • Victor is busy on Wednesday.
  • He doesn't go to school in the afternoon.
  • He usually gets up at 7 o'clock.
  • His mother makes his bed because he is busy.
  • Today he has five lessons.
  • After lessons he goes to a sports club.
  • The trainer teaches the boys to play volleyball well and to pass the ball.
  • After the club Victor goes to his aunt.
  • He brings her flowers.
  • Granny usually makes tasty dinner for him.
  • Victor has a short rest playing chess.
  • He is busy till 9 o'clock in the evening.

Keys: 1+, 2+, 3+, 4 - , 5 - , 6+, 7 - , 8 - , 9 - , 10+, 11 - , 12 - .


T: And now it's time to put points. First of all I'd like to thank everyone for active participation in the lesson and say that all of you deserve the highest points.

T: My advice to you:

Work while you work,

Play while you play.

That is the way

To be happy and gay.

All that you do

Do with your might.

Things done by halves

Are never done right.

One things at a time

And that done well

Is a very good rule

As many can tell.

T: Your home task will be to learn the poem "Work while you work"

by heart.


- Hello, Ann.

- Hello, Maria.

- Where are you coming from?

- I am coming from home. And you?

- Me, too. And where are you going?

- I am going to school.

- Me, too. Let's go together!

- Let's go.

- Kate, have you done your home task on English?

- Yes, I have. Why are you asking, Bill?

- I have done it too, let's tell our poems to each other.

It will be good repeat!

- Let's, begin.

- Let's.

- What are you going to do after lessons, John?

- I am going to play baseball, Bell.

- And what about home task?

- What kind of home task?

- Home task on English, we have to translate the text and learn the new words on


- Oh, really? Then let's do our home task together!

- Let's.

- When do you get up, Alisa?

- I get up at 6.00 am, Masha.

- What do you do in the morning?

- I do my morning exercises.

- Where do you go after breakfast?

- I go to college.

- When do you have your first lesson?

- My first lesson begins at 8.00 am.

- And when it ends?

- It ends at 2.30 pm.

- When do you come home, Ira?

- I come home at 3.00 pm.

- What do you do after that?

- I play with my dog.

- Don't you do your home tasks, Sveta?

- No, I do them after I have dinner.

- And when do you go to bed?

- I go to bed at 10.00 pm.

- What are you going to home on, Denis?

- I go to home on foot, and you, Boris?

- My father every day brings and takes away me on his car.

- That's nice!

- He will come soon, will you go with us?

- May I?

- Of course, I would be very glad.

- OK, I agree.

- What is your favorite sport, Lola?

- I like tennis. And you, Maxim?

- I like football.

- Oh, that's nice. It is real men's game.

- Do you think so?

- Yes, of course.

- Thanks, your favorite sport is too interesting.

- Thank you, Maxim.

Dialogue "Mother - Son"

M: Good morning, dear! It's seven o'clock. And you are in bed! Get up! Do your morning exercises and take a shower. It's time to have breakfast and go to college. Come on!

S: Oh, Mum, I can't go to college today.

M: Why?

S: I'm ill.

M: Are you?

S: Yes, I am. I would like to read now. Could you give me this book?

M: Here you are. And what do you want for breakfast? Do you want potatoes and sausage?

S: No, I don't.

M: Would you like to have a cup of milk?

S: No.

M: Have a cup of tea then.

S: I don't want potatoes! I don't want sausage! I don't want milk! I don't want tea!

M: What do you want then?

S: I want bananas, apples, three ice-creams, candies.

M: Oh, Son, now I see that you are not ill. You don't want to go to college! Take your bag and go to college!

Topic "Working Day"

It is Wednesday. It is a very busy day. Victor gets up at seven o'clock. He quickly makes his bed, does morning exercises, washes, brushes his teeth and dresses. He has a light breakfast and goes to school. He has six lessons there.

On Wednesdays after school Victor goes to the sports club. The trainer teaches boys to play football well, to pass the ball. But the main thing is that sport makes them friendly.

After the club Victor goes to his grandmother. He usually helps her to bring water, to feed rabbits or goes shopping. Granny cooks a tasty dinner for her grandson. Victor likes her borsch and pies. Then he goes home.

Victor is tired, so he has a short rest playing computer games. After that he does his homework. It takes him two hours to do it. So he is free only at 8 o'clock in the evening. At this time there is an interesting film on TV. He watches it together with his family. Today he doesn't have much time to read a book. But before going to bed he reads two-three pages.

Victor brushes his teeth, takes a shower and goes to bed at 10 o'clock.

Post - reading task

Please, write down whether the statements are true or false. If the sentence is right, put +. If the sentence is wrong, put -.

  • Victor is busy on Wednesday.
  • He doesn't go to school in the afternoon.
  • He usually gets up at 7 o'clock.
  • His mother makes his bed because he is busy.
  • Today he has five lessons.
  • After lessons he goes to a sports club.
  • The trainer teaches the boys to play volleyball well and to pass the ball.
  • After the club Victor goes to his aunt.
  • He brings her flowers.
  • Granny usually makes tasty dinner for him.
  • Victor has a short rest playing chess.
  • He is busy till 9 o'clock in the evening.
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